
  1. showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience; “his polished manner”; “maintained an urbane tone in his letters”
    • Synonyms
      • polished
      • refined
    • Similar to
      • sophisticated
    • Related
      • urbanity

urbane - LookUp


  1. courteous and refined in manner (typically used of a man) the supposedly urbane, restrained English gentleman | urbane wit was the mark of taste and cultivation


mid 16th century (in the sense urban ): from French urbain or Latin urbanus (see urban )



  1. the urbane and scholarly former information minister

Similar Words: suave sophisticated debonair worldly elegant cultivated cultured civilized well bred worldly-wise glib smooth slick polished refined poised self-possessed dignified courteous polite civil well mannered gentlemanly gallant courtly charming affable tactful diplomatic media-savvy cool mannerly

Opposites: uncouth unsophisticated boorish

Urban Dictionary

when ur too lazy to type out urban dictionary

I wonder how urban dictionary is defined in the urban dictionary. hmmm. “urban….clicks enter”